
"I know your niche and have the copywriting chops to deliver the results you're looking for."

🕒 Time is precious. Spend it wisely doing what you're good at ... and pay me to do the rest

Email Marketing

Your emails are more than just a ‘ thank you for booking’.

If that’s all you do YOU are missing a wasted opportunity in marketing your business. YES - They are a fabulous way of communicating with your clients to explain ‘Joining Instructions’

But they are also a fantastic sales opportunity that you could be MISSING. 

Growth in ‘online marketing’ is often found in emailing…

Did you know on average it costs three times more to find a new customer than it does to sell to an existing one by sharing your latest services?🙃

Once you find a client, do your best to nurture them.😍and having an email funnel can help. 

Don’t worry it can all be automated so you don’t have to spend hours replying to emails anymore.

To help you get started,  I’ve created this PDF sharing  3 emails from ‘ Thanks for booking to Asking for feedback’

And it’s yours for free. Click the link below 

Free Email Templates    🆓 

BUT….If this all feels too much, let me do it for you… 

Your fairy godmother of support

Done for you and Done with you packages available……

black laptop computer
black laptop computer
Website & Blog

Your Website needs to shine.

But why do you need a website and more importantly make it work for you……

YOUR website is your main DIGITAL ASSET.

While Social Media platforms may be stealing the limelight, your website is the command center, the base camp of your online presence.💫

DID you know … you are only renting a space on someone else's land when you use Social Media and they can put up the rent, kick you off their land, or sell your rights on without warning.

But how can you make sure your website isn’t just gathering dust in this digital world?

person using laptop computer
person using laptop computer
MacBook Pro on top of brown wooden table during daytime
MacBook Pro on top of brown wooden table during daytime

Website Audit

Looking at your content.

Does it need updating?

How recent are the photos?📸

Do you have current price lists, booking dates, and the latest guidelines?

Do you have any free download guides?

Is it Search Engine Optimised?

Getting your website up to date and working for you.

We’ll work together to make sure your website is not gathering cobwebs on the web.🕸️

Sometimes the smallest of changes can have an impact.

So DM me or click the link below and hey presto, you can make a free 45-minute call with me to chat about how to make your website shine.🌟

Remember your site is your Digital Business Asset

Done for you and Done with you packages available……

Social Media

Every Business needs to be on

Social Media


Having the right words, to attract your clients and to educate them by sharing tips, answering questions, and building a following takes time and more importantly, a STRATEGY.

Facebook groups are a great way to share posts within your community or those areas you work in. So searching and joining groups is a free way to promote your services. But you need to research this to find the right groups

Instagram and TikTok are great for videos.

Choose your main platform and post consistently

Done for you and Done with your packages available……

turned on gold iphone 6
turned on gold iphone 6